Slovenija 13.12.2013
Spoznaj rezidenčna umetnika JI EUN MOON in ANDREJA KOLENCIKA / Meet JI EUN MOON and ANDREJ KOLENCIK artists in residency
13.12.2013, , V MARIBORU

Sobazagoste Maribor v 2013 predstavlja: GuestRoomMaribor 2013 introduces: Poglejte sporočilo v vašem brskalniku. View this email in your browser. GuestRoomMaribor predstavlja / GuestRoomMaribor presents SPOZNAJ JI EUN MOON in ANDREJA KOLENCIKA, REZIDENČNA UMETNIKA, KI SE TRENUTNO MUDITA V MARIBORU, V PETEK, 13.12.2013 OB 18.00 URI V SALONU UPORABNIH UMETNOSTI (GLAVNI TRG 1, BIVŠI CASINO). / MEET JI EUN MOON and ANDREJ KOLENCIK, ARTISTS IN RESIDENCE CURRENTLY IN MARIBOR, ON FRIDAY 13.12.2013 AT 6PM IN SALON OF APPLIED ARTS (GLAVNI TRG 1, FORMER CASINO). Ji Eun Moon (Južna Koreja) Na Univerzi Ulsan (Južna Koreja) je diplomirala iz glasbene kompozicije in klavirja, magistrirala iz glasbene kompozicije in teorije v Brooklyn college-u na Univerzi New York in doktorirala na Univerzi Georgia v mestu Athens. Njen opus del zajema vrsto kompozicij in imela je že več performansov ter prejela nemalo nagrad, med drugim "Premier Flute solo piece in Iwaki Auditorium, ABC Radio Classic, Melbourne, Australia (Oct, 2010)" in "Commission for the duo piece by DUO 46, SoundSCAPE Music Festival, Milan, Italy (2010)". Svoj projekt, ki ga pripravlja v rezidenci SobaZaGoste, definira kot interdisciplinarno delo, preplet vizualnega giba plesalca in zanimive reakcije med performerji ter rezultatom, ki prihaja iz zvočnikov v improviziranem okolju predhodno domišljene kompozicije. Ji Eun Moon (South Korea) She gained her BA in musical composition and piano performance on University of Ulsan in South Korea. She mastered in musical composition and theory on Brooklyn college in University of New Yourk and got her DMA at University of Georgia in Athens. Her work opus consists of many compositions, she had several performances and recevied various awards; "Premier Flute solo piece in Iwaki Auditorium, ABC Radio Classic, Melbourne, Australia (Oct, 2010)" in "Commission for the duo piece by DUO 46, SoundSCAPE Music Festival, Milan, Italy (2010)" etc. She defined her project for this artist residency as an interdisciplinary work involving with visual movement by dancer, interesting reaction between performers, and the loudspeakers outcome under the improvising environment in pre constructed composition. Andrej Kolenčík / Admiral (Slovaška) je filmski režiser in vizualni umetnik. Študiral je grafično oblikovanje na Šoli za uporabne umetnosti in diplomiral na področju animacije na Akademiji za performativne umetnosti v Bratislavi. Prav tako je študiral na RITS Šoli za umetnost v Bruslju in opravil pripravništvo na Akademiji za likovne umetnosti v Bratislavi. Trenutno dela kot freelance režiser fikcije, animacije pa tudi dokumentarnega filma, glasbenih videev in reklam. Kot vizualni umetnik se ukvarja z ilustracijo in stripovsko umetnostjo. Šest let je bil programski direktor mednarodnega festivala animacije Fest Anča. Andrej Kolenčík / Admiral (Slovakia) is a film director and a visual artist. He studied graphic design at School of Applied Arts and graduated from Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava in field of animation. He also studied at RITS School of Arts in Brussels and made internship at Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava. Currently he´s working as a freelance film director of fiction, animation and also documentary films, music videos and commercials. As a visual artist he deals with illustration and comics art. Besides of that he was also program director of well known international animation festival Fest Anča for 6 years. "Projekt je del umetniških rezidenc Sobezagoste Maribor, ki poteka v koprodukciji Pekarne Magdalenske mreže in Narodnega doma Maribor, v partnerstvu z Mestno občino Maribor, Ministrstvom za kulturo, društvom HIŠA!, ter v sodelovanju z večino mariborskih kulturnih organizacij. "The project is part of the GuestRoomMaribor, coproduction of Pekarna Magdalenske mreže and Narodni dom Maribor. Partners are: Municipality of Maribor, Ministry of Culture, HIŠA! society for people and places and other Maribor cultural producers." friend on Facebook | forward to a friend Copyright © 2013 Pekarna magdalenske mreže, All rights reserved. _ Pekarna magdalenske mreže Ob železnici 16 Maribor 2000 Slovenia Add us to your address book Email Marketing Powered by MailChimp unsubscribe from this list | update subscription preferences -- Pekarna Magdalenske mreže Maribor Mladinski informacijsko-svetovalni center INFOPEKA Youth informative Counseling Center INFOPEKA Ob železnici 8, 2000 MARIBOR - SLOVENIJA tel.: + 386 2 300 68 50 gsm: + 386 41 481 246 e-mail: infopeka@infopeka.org