Tujina 19.10.2012
16.02.2013, , Berlin

To bo neverjetno priložnost za vse, ki želijo, da razvijejo svoje sposobnosti usmerjajo udeležence, ali pa ravno vpogled v celoten proces. Boste imeli učno izkušnjo odličnosti, z Scandar Copti tutorja, ki je razvil povsem samosvoj način vodenja igralcev, z velikim uspehom, podelitev mu zlato kamero v Cannesu in nominacijo za oskarja. Metoda Scandar za usmerjanje igralec je, ne da bi bila seznanjena, je impresivna zaradi česar je njegov film je leposlovno delo, ki kaže, "prave" ljudi, ki delujejo v razmerah, ki se jih je vodil direktorjev, vendar zelo "resnično" izvajalcem, kar akterji projektiranje čustva na kamero, ki so dejansko doživeli v tistem času.

Ta 2 dni intenzivno Delavnica bo odlična priložnost, da se naučijo najboljše tehnike, da imajo uspešno litje, delavnica ima ceno 369 EUR na osebo za dva dni in je strogo omejeno na 25 udeležencev, vam svetujemo, da se registrirajo na hitro zagotoviti svoje mesto.
Delavnica bo potekala v zadnjih nekaj dneh Berlinalu - Berlin International Film Festival, tako da, če ste v mestu za to bi bilo res izkoristite delavnici.

Za več informacij in za prijavo obiščite našo spletno stran na http://filmlab.fest.pt/?p=398&lang=en

Copti je oskarja nominirani režiser palestinske rodil in odraščal v Yafa. Leta 2009 je njegov prvi celovečerni igrani film "Ajami" zmagal Camera d'Or posebno omembo na filmskem festivalu v Cannesu. Film je bil nominiran tudi za 82. Academy Awards v kategoriji najboljši tuji film in osvojil več kot 15 nagrad po vsem svetu. Prej inženir strojništva, je tudi napisal, režiral in uredil več igrani, dokumentarni in eksperimentalni kratkih filmov. Copti je bil na žirije filmskega festivala Tribeca, kot tudi na festivalu v Solunu filma leta 2010 in predsednik Sveta za človekove pravice nagrado na mednarodnem festivalu filma v Carigradu 2011. Copti je bil del ekipe, ki je začel iz Dohe Tribeca Film Festival Doha in filmski inštitut (DFI) in je vodil DFI je ministrstvo za šolstvo do novembra 2011. Trenutno Copti razvija svoj naslednji projekt celovečerni film.

Delavnica o:
Srečanja z avtorji pogosto uporabljajo element presenečenja za neposredne udeležence za nekatere prizore, da bi dobili verodostojno čustvene odzive.
Direktorji Ajami na svoj film v celoti na ta glavni. Za razliko od drugih forays v improvizaciji, Ajami je zelo natančen scenarij in dobro izdelano zemljišče, ki je zahteval natančne čustvene odzive od njenih akterjev.
Igralci končal igranja zgodbo, ne da bi se zavedali, da so bile usmerjene v skladu s predhodno pisno scenarij. Film je leposlovno delo, ki kaže, "prave" ljudi, ki delujejo v razmerah, ki se jih je vodil direktorjev, vendar zelo "prave" za izvajalce, ki izhajajo iz akterjev štrlečih čustva na kamero, ki so dejansko doživeli v tistem času.
To je bilo doseženo v specializiranih delavnicah, v katerih so bili akterji prinaša čustvene in psihološke vsakega lika stanju kot je zapisano v scenariju.
Na teh delavnicah so se udeleženci niso seznanili z besedilom, goli, mise-en-scene ali delujejo trikov. Poudarek je bil na psihološko potovanje likov skozi dramatično igranje vlog. Sčasoma, vsak udeleženec globoko označena z njeno značaja, kot da je bil znak razširitev svoje osebnosti.
Ko so kamere začele valjanje, se je zgodilo nekaj čarobnega - udeleženci so pozabili, da so bili v fiktivni razmerah in njihove misli, da je verjel, kaj se je zgodilo je resnično.
Skozi 2 dni-delavnici bodo udeleženci spoznali in doživeli tehniko, ki Scandar uporablja v času priprav njegovih akterjev, kot tudi med snemanjem.

Delavnica je namenjena režiserji, igralci, Filmski študentov.

16 ur
Termini: 16-17 februar 2013
Lokacija: Berlin
Cena: 369 €
Prosta delovna mesta: 25

Za več informacij in za prijavo obiščite našo spletno stran na www.filmlab.fest.pt

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Vse najboljše
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mladinski center Prlekije<mcp@siol.net >
Date: 2012/10/11
Subject: Fw: SCANDAR COPTI Workshop - Techniques of directing actors Berlin 16-17 February 2013
To: Nina Stegmüller <ninik5meister@gmail.com >

This will be an amazing opportunity for everyone wanting to develop their skills directing actors, or just getting insight on the whole process. You will have an educational experience of excellence, with Scandar Copti a tutor who developed his very own method of directing actors, with enormous success, granting him the Golden Camera in Cannes and an Oscar Nomination. Scandar’s method of directing actor´s without them being aware is impressive making his film is a work of fiction which shows “real” people acting in situations that are orchestrated by the directors, but very “real” to the performers, resulting in the actors projecting emotions on camera that they actually experienced at the time.

This 2 days intensive workshop will be a great opportunity to learn the best techniques to have a successful casting, The workshop has a price of 369 Euros per person for the two days, and is strictly limited to 25 participants, we advise to register fast to guarantee your place.
The workshop will take place during the last few days of the Berlinale - Berlin International Film Festival, so if you are in town for it you should really take advantage of the workshop.

For more information and to register please visit our webpage on http://filmlab.fest.pt/?p=398&lang=en

Copti is an Oscar-nominated Palestinian filmmaker born and raised in Yafa. In 2009, his first full-length feature film “Ajami” won the Camera d’Or Special Mention at the Cannes Film Festival. His film was also nominated for the 82nd Academy Awards in the Best Foreign Film category and won more than 15 awards worldwide. Formerly a mechanical engineer, he has also written, directed and edited several fiction, documentary and experimental short films. Copti was on the jury of the Tribeca film festival as well as at the Thessaloniki film festival in 2010 and President of the Human Rights Award in the Istanbul International film festival 2011. Copti was part of the team that launched the Doha Tribeca Film Festival and the Doha Film Institute (DFI) and he headed the DFI’s education department until November 2011. Currently Copti is developing his next feature film project.

Workshop info:
Filmmakers often use the element of surprise to direct actors for certain scenes to get authentic emotional responses.
The directors of AJAMI based their film entirely on this principal. Unlike other forays into improvisation, AJAMI had a very precise screenplay and a well-constructed plot that demanded precise emotional responses from its actors.
The actors ended up acting out a story, without being aware that they were being directed according to a pre-written script. The film is a work of fiction which shows “real” people acting in situations that are orchestrated by the directors, but very “real” to the performers, resulting in the actors projecting emotions on camera that they actually experienced at the time.
This was achieved over specialized workshops, in which the actors were brought to each character’s emotional and psychological state as written in the script.
In these workshops, the participants didn’t learn about text, goals, mise-en-scene or acting tricks. The focus was on the psychological journey of the characters through dramatic role-playing. Eventually, each actor deeply identified with his or her character as though the character was an extension of their own personality.
When the cameras started rolling, something magical happened - the actors forgot that they were in a fictional situation and their minds believed that what was happening was real.
Throughout the 2 days-workshop, participants will learn and experience the technique that Scandar uses during the preparations of his actors as well as during the shoot.

The workshop is designed to Directors, Actors, Film Students.

16 hours
Dates: 16-17 February 2013
Location: Berlin
Price: 369 €
Vacancies: 25

For more information and to register please visit our webpage on www.filmlab.fest.pt

If you have any questions please let us know

All best